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2022 Deposition Trip

Updated: May 3, 2022

We are still currently in the midst of our funding/support raising. One of the requirements we are tasked with is to yearly travel south to our old stomping grounds. Going back provides us with opportunity to share all that God is doing through our family and those currently on our support team. As well as invite new people, churches and businesses to ask God if HE would have them partner with our family as we serve the community here in Alaska. It is a true blessing to see people take a step of faith and say yes to God's call on their life. Obedience in all areas God commands us to respond are necessary parts of our walk with Christ. At times they can be scary and require a great deal of faith. Before we headed south I turned to my wife and said "I believe our kids need me home more to help with school. I believe I need to quit working as a barista at The Compass Coffeehouse." There are times in all our journey with the Lord where he asks us to step out in faith and trust he will do the work. Our journey south took us first to California followed by Arizona.

Our time in Cali landed us back at Crossline Church in Laguna Hills. Crossline is the church Nicole and I cut our teeth in ministry. It was the first church we went to together as a newly married couple. It was there I felt God call me into youth ministry. It was there where I began to sun from that very calling on my life. It is amazing how God works to come full circle and have this very church on our partnership team. Nicole and I manned the connections booth before and in between services. This gave us some face time with a few people who came up to see what we were about. We got to share our heart and what God has been doing through our family. After service a gentlemen took us to lunch and told s he would be joining our team. He even gave us the financial ability to truly enjoy our 14 year wedding anniversary together. California was a fun relaxing time connecting with parts of our past. In a way each time we head back it is a reminder of where it all began. I would have to say the highlight of the trip was in Arizona.

After attending Crossline, connecting with partners in California we rented a car and drove to AZ. Along the way we stopped in Palm Desert for a meeting with a pastor there. We had lunch with him and shared encouraging stories about all that God has done in our time in ministry. It was a true encouragement. Once we arrived in AZ we were put up in an RV park and were fortunate enough to use this lovely couple's camper for some glamping. The highlight however came after I presented to our sending church in Casa Grande. I shared about the hopelessness I see in this generation and the struggles that are unique to Alaska. A young girl in 6th grade came up to me after this blew the lid off with her question.

"What should you do if you have a friend who is thinking of taking their life?"

I told her " First and foremost pray, pray that God would engage her in her brokenness and help mend that hurt. Tell someone. Talk to a parent, school counselor, pastor Ray, your parents, anyone that can help. It is important that an adult knows so they can get her the help she needs."

The impact we have here in our day to day many times may not fully be seen or ever be seen. We are sowing seeds in a garden in which we might never get to see grow. Our involvement is uplifting, encouraging and necessary on so many levels. Getting to share this with others is something I have truly come to enjoy.

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