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Building Character

Perspective is an interesting thing. In photography having the "right" perspective can make or break a photo. The right perspective can add emotion, change the focus of the image, highlight a different subject among many other things. This is true in life. We can look at a situation that maybe did not last as long as we thought, didn't go according to our plans or was a major curve ball. In many cases we tend to look at these situations as a failure. I was tempted to believe this in the recent changes to my ministry here in Alaska. Looking back and evaluating the past few months God has revealed a few key things to me.

First and foremost, God is not in the business of failure. The events that we see as a failure are opportunities to grow. God care about our character and obedience. I think of Joseph from the Old Testament. He went through a few failures in his life. Each one seemingly worse than the previous until God lifted him up to a place of supreme authority. Joseph had to go through each one of those trials. His character and faith in God was bolstered along the way. There was nothing that Joseph went through that a) God did not know about and b) God did not use to build Joseph's character. In God's timing he was exactly where God wanted him, Joseph had to be obedient and faithful along the way.

I do believe my wife and most women are more sensitive to the spirit. My personal belief is, God made women this way as men's helper and to compliment their spouse. Nicole is very sensitive in this area. I have lost count of the times he has had a feeling God was moving in an area and something significant happens. I have learned to listen to my wife and operate more as one flesh. That is not to say men cannot be moved by the Spirit. If that were the case, the Bible would not exist.

Last but certainly not least, God is in control of it all. I have learned that you will never truly know what is next with God. In Joseph's story, a theme of "if I told you what I was gonna do you wouldn't believe me" shines through. God used unique means to equip Joseph for the next leg of his journey. God place him in that family, God gave him the dreams, God watched over him and God elevated him to a supreme place. It was in this moment Joseph's character was right and he extended mercy and grace to his family when he could have issued judgement. He was more like God in that moment than ever before.

God is intimately invested in the development and growth of our character. To be made more in his image each moment. If the situation seems out of focus dry looking at it from a different perspective.

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