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The Fork in the Road

After talking with a friend, I realized we have not done a good job of communicating our need for support. We have reached a place where we may not be able to continue serving as our need to financially sustain our family grows greater. This would take us off the front line with students as we scramble to support ourselves. We are thousands of dollars away from our goal. It is my responsibility to provide for my family. God called me to be a husband and father long before a ministry worker.

In the book of Matthew Jesus speaks about how much more precious we are than the birds that do not reap or sow. I truly believe that if God intends us to stay here in Nikiski or Alaska, he will provide the means to do so. I do not know how much longer our family can sustain our current living. I have read from multiple missionary sites that the number one reason for missionary attrition is lack of support/funding. With most of that demographic leaving the field 1-2 years after setting out. We are dangerously close to becoming part of that statistic. This is the reality we are facing.

Please be praying with us as we seek God's guidance and continued provision. We are asking him to show us His plan. Is it to let go of an area we are involved in at the moment? Or is He leading us away from Alaska all together? I don't know. I have come to call Alaska home and love being here, but I do not want to be anywhere outside of God's will and provision. I am prepared to let the life we have made here in Alaska go to continue to serve Him. My heart is that he would have us here longer. The thought of leaving this community pains me, but I am prepared to leave all of it if HE is the one calling me away or to a new work.

The thing I know for sure is, His ways are not our ways. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. He works all things for Good according to those who love Him. Lastly, we will come through this situation stronger and closer to the Father.

Lord have your way in this situation!

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions Nicole and I are available to answer any and all. We are an open book. Please ask God how he would want you to respond to this information.

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