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Village Mission Trip

The past two years our kids have been involved with CEF (Child Evangelism Fellowship). We have attended CYIA camp the past two summers. During the 2021/22 School year Madison and Derrick served almost weekly in the local Good News club at the elementary school in Nikiski. This was an after-school program dedicated to sharing The Gospel with the students who attended. While at camp however there is one aspect, they shared about that the kids and I equally wanted to get involved with. CEF partakes in Rural ministries here in Alaska. This opportunity takes you into the villages and remote parts of Alaska that are only accessible by plane. This past we were fortunate to be able to be a part of this outreach.

Our ministry took us to the small village of Shaktoolik. Shaktoolik is located in the Norton Sound region of Alaska. It sits right on the Shaktoolik river mouth on a tiny strip of land with the river to the east and the Bearing Sea to the west. For five days the students would lead their younger peers in the village through Good News Club. Best way to describe it is, the club is like a VBS. The students lead the kids through songs, Bible lessons, and shared parts to a missionary story. At "night" we had teen time. We met some of the local teens and I taught them through a few lessons from scripture.

The best part of our trip has to be that Ben a young kid who gave his life to Christ. Everything else that happened was amazing but can't compare to the profession of faith in our savior. We were fortunate to meet some of the village elders and hear their stories. One couple had me in tears as they get ready to celebrate their 48th wedding anniversary. It was Nora's commitment to Junior or June as he battles for his health. I was so encouraged to see her live out in sickness and in health. I encouraged her that her selflessness at the moment is a testimony to the young people of this village that she is embodying the Love of Christ and demonstrating what a marriage surrendered to Christ looks like. I was not expecting to be ministered to there, considering I was going there to minister but God used these situations to touch my heart. I cant wait to go back and fellowship with my new friends of Shaktoolik. If you want to hear more about our trip give me a call. It was so amazing.

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